北伦敦最佳复古潮地Camden Town

概述伦敦东西南北四大古市集:东边Spitalfields Market新兴艺术气息;西边Portobello market浪漫波西米亚风;南边Greenwich Market坑爹旅游景区;而北边Camden Town被称为伦敦最活力地方之一,以其包容性之强,杂糅元素之多而闻名。今儿个我们要介绍的就是这可复古可前卫可清新可重口可攻可受(╯▽╰)的Camden Town。


Camden Town作为朋克文化的发源地,随处可见的五颜六色奇装异服全身tatoo到处穿孔的前卫青年本就是一道独特风景线。第一次来到Camden Town走出地铁口儿的时候事儿编一度晕眩,以为自己回到了广州上下九大笪地或者北京城南丰台那片批发市场——人实在在是太!多!了!满街森森全是穿着各异的人人人人人人= =,色彩明丽的房子低矮密集,各色街边小摊遍布,摇滚乐从店铺里传出,如果要用四个字来描述这个地方,我想我会用——肾!上!腺!素!( ⊙o⊙?)


Camden Town实际上是若干个大大小小的市场统称,分散在Camden High Street到Chalk Farm Rd的路上。可谓“市集中的市集”。从地铁站Camden Town出发,依次途经:

  • Inverness Street Market(因弗内斯街市集):摆摊时间:每天10am-6pm (都是酱小小的篷子,一个挨着一个的买衣服鞋子小饰品都有)


  • Electric Ballroom(电子舞厅):周末白天改为室内服饰市集


  • The Camden Market(肯顿市集):摆摊时间:每天9.30am-6pm


  • The Lock Market(水闸市集):摆摊时间:每天10am-6pm


  • Camden Cannal Market(运河市集):摆摊时间:每天10am-6pm (坐在摩托车上喝喝酒可谓Camden Town一大土帅土帅的特色……)


  • The Stables Market(马厩市集):原是兽医院中的马厩后改为马厩市场。摆摊时间:每天9.30am-5.30pm


顺着Camden High Street一直延续到Chalk Farm Road一带,凡路过的市集、路边商店等都属于肯顿市集的一部分。

坐着河边的摩托车椅上,尝街边小吃,听现场音乐,沿着运河,随意砍价,淘淘古董。无论你是古着爱好者还是音乐发烧友或者只是随便逛逛淘便宜货的路人吃货,都可以在Camden Town找到自己感兴趣的东西。

酒吧和Club:‘Lock Tavern’ & ‘Blues Bar’都是夜微醺的火爆去处,美食与音乐都不辜负。而 the stables里面的‘The Proud’,为老顾客提供独立马厩作为私人房间非常带感;’Koko’则在一个大剧院里边,有宽敞的舞台可以尽情high。




商店:很多人慕名而去“Cyber Dog”(NW1 8AH),卖rave和clubbing clothing,而且里面音乐声剧大,装饰独特,据说非常有趣,不可错过。不过里面禁止拍照所以也只能亲自前往眼见为实了惹~~


语言实在难以表述内涵丰富的Camden Town,一首《Camden Town》希望能为各位小伙伴营造出3D体验的感觉~~~

音乐:Camden Town 歌手:Suggs
There’s a great crowd of tourists and they’re coming down the street
Pleased as punch with brand new Doctor Marten’s on their feet
Past stalls with leather jackets, old bric-a-brac
Indian sunglasses or a Chinese bobble hat

Tramps stare in the window of the local butcher’s shop
Like a pack of wild dogs they’d run off with the lot
In Primrose Hill, an angry man his hair standing on end
Shouts and rants in the ear of his imaginary friend

In Camden Town I’ll meet you by the underground
In Camden Town we’ll walk there as the sun goes down
In Camden Town
In Camden Town you can do anything you want to

A drunken busker hits the pavement, sending hot-dogs in the air
Towards a broken down bus full of people going nowhere
A string of Irish pubs as far as you can see
Greek, Indian, Chinese or would you like a cup of tea?

There’s tapas, fracas, alcohol, tobaccos
Bongs, bongo bingo, Portuguese maracas
There’s reggae in the jeggae, music everywhere
Every kind of song and dance, madness in the air

In Camden Town I’ll meet you by the underground
In Camden Town we’ll walk there as the sun goes down
In Camden Town

The tourists sing
Ooooh, they sing
Ooooh, sing up

And what’s my name in invisible game?

The two fat Americans interrupt their stay
They put down their bags, they were clamped and towed away
There’s Turksh cakes, designer fakes, fathers dressed as nuns
Every kind of music here, the night has just begun

In Camden Town I’ll meet you by the underground
In Camden Town we’ll walk there as the sun goes down
In Camden Town
In Camden Town you can do anything you want to do

In Camden Town
In Camden Town
In Camden Town
In Camden Town